actually apple give apple id for free..... No need to pay other.. U can create ur own one
To create a apple id u have to follow some step
1. connect internet
2. download itune softwere
3. go to itune store
4. click app store
5. click a free app
6. then click the free app button in the left side(see pic)
7. then apple ask u for sing in..... then click sing up
8. then normally singup u know how this is simple........ when apple ask u for master card, visa card etc. u will see a none button there simple select the none button and compelet ur registion
Note:... u have to give a address there... the address must be real...... u can give any address u like.. it is not important.......... Address depends on your selected country
Go there for Apple Help to create a free apple ID..... real post